Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dewey's Read-a-thon: Hour 6 Update

We're almost finished with Hour 6 of Dewey's Read-a-thon, and I'm halfway through my first book, Linwood Barclay's No Time for Goodbye. Despite this being a great page-turner (Barclay is great at creating suspense from the very first scene), I've only read 2 hours, partly because I'm having a great time visiting other participants' blogs. It's great to see readers from all over the world and I'm getting some good reading recommendations, not that I need any more books on my shelf!

Kate had a violin lesson this morning but managed to do one hour of reading. She has Michael Grant's Light, the final book in the Hunger series, on hold at the library.  In anticipation of its arrival, she is rereading the previous book in the series, Fear.

Paulina's progress:
Books finished: 0
Pages read: 172
Hours of reading: 2
Hours of cheerleading: 1

Kate's progress:
Books finished: 0
Pages read: 100
Hours of reading: 1


  1. How great that you get to readathon together! Keep up the good work and have fun!

  2. Hi again

    It is the eleventh hour. How are you guys doing?

    Keep on going. You are nearly halfway.

    Chris (Team Lion Cheerleaders)

  3. Thanks for reading my blog. I read No Time for Goodbye too and enjoyed it.
