Friday, June 8, 2012

48-Hour Book Challenge -- Starting Line

Kate and I have our books chosen and we are ready to go ahead with the 48-hour book challenge! It's not too late to join here. She is starting with I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore and I'm starting with Puppet by Eva Wiseman.


  1. I love looking at people's stacks! I am intrigued by Storm Thief...I'll come back to see if you've gotten to it!

  2. We are trying here in Singapore as well!

  3. I see some old favorites in that pile!

  4. Ooh. I would not do well with your fantasy heavy pile. You have some tough stuff to read. Adams, Lore and Reeves. Heavy lifting, indeed. Hope that you enjoy them!(Love the blue and brown background, by the way!)
